Different color fruits and vegetables offer different nutrients so it’s important to make sure you’re getting some variety in your 5-6 servings per day!
Orange and Yellow: beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E, lycopene, zeaxanthin. These nutrients aid in the prevention of age related macula degeneration and prostate cancer risk. They promote collagen formation, fight free radicals, aid in the building of healthy bones, and help lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure
Blue and Purple: reservatrol, vitamin C, fiber, flavanoids, lutein, zeaxanthin, ellagic acid, and quercetin. These nutrients aid with retinal health, immune system support, aid with health digestion, fight inflammation and reduce LDL cholesterol, and reduce tumor growth, act as anticarcinogens (specifically in the digestive tract), and limit cancer cell activity.
Green: chlorophyll (which gives them their green color), fiber, calcium, folate, vitamin C, beta carotene, lutein. These nutrients help lower cancer risks as well as lower your LDL cholesterol and high blood pressure. They also help boost your immune system, aid with digestion, and retinal health and vision.
White: beta glucans, EGCG, SDG, and lignans. These nutrients aid your immune system function primarily by activating natural killer B and T cells. They also aid in reducing the risk of colon, breast, prostate, and hormone-related cancers.
Red: lycopene, ellagic acid, Quercetin, and Hesperidin. These are usually well known for their role in reducing the risk of prostate cancer but they also help lower blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels, reduce tumor growth, and support joint tissue.