Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bread Salad

The first time I helped my grandmother make this salad I thought it was disgusting, but then I ate it and fell in love! and it's truly an ingenious idea!

We all have bread leftovers that end up getting pushed to the back of the refrigerator and inevitably gets stale and then thrown away.  This salad uses those bits of stale bread! so no more wasting!  It does taste best when made with stale Italian bread but you could essentially use any stale bread.

first step is to soak your stale bread in some water.

In the meantime start chopping whatever veggies you want to add.  This is a great salad to do use those tiny servings of left over veggies and per my grandmother's advice, it tastes better with the more veggies you add!  I had some tomatoes that I needed to use so I started chopping those.

I also added some chopped up some marinated artichoke hearts, mozzarella cheese, and minced garlic cloves see an easy & quick way to do this here.  I usually add a few chopped up black olives too but I didn't have any this time.

Your bread should be well soaked by now!  
So squeeze all of the water out (it's ok if you break it up into sections and squeeze those because you're going to crumble it anyway)

Once you get as much of the water out of the bread as you can, crumble it up into your salad adding it to all of your chopped veggies.  Continue this process with all of your remaining soaking bread until you've added all of the bread you have soaked.

Then drizzle with some extra virgin olive oil and add some freshly ground pepper then mix and serve!


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